Dekripsi Materi Kursus TOEFL Preparation Online
Program kursus TOEFL Preparation online dibagi dalam 4 materi yaitu reading, listening, vocab, dan structure.
Satu level dieselesaikan dalam durasi 6 minggu
Berikut adalah deskripsi materinya:
Subjek dan Materi
- Overview Question
- Factual Question
- Types of Question
- Supervised Learning
- Dialogs with Sound Confusion
- Homonym
- Idioms
- Expression of Inference
- Expression of Agreement
- Expression of Suggestion
- Understanding Detailed Information
- Supervised Learning
- Parts of Speech
- Memorizing Vocab
- Supervised Learning
- S+V & Conjunction
- Adjective Clause
- Noun Phrase
- There & It
- Reducing and Omitting
- Quantity + of
- Adverbial Clause
- Abridgement
- Conjunction
- Appositive
- Preposition Phrase
- Gerund & To Infinitive
- Inversion
- Word Order
- Tenses
- Parallel Structure
- Modifiers
- Parts of Speech
- Comparison & Conjunction
- Negative Words
- Make & Do, Like & Alike
- Causative Verbs
- Comparatives & Superlatives
- Supervised Learning
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